Christian Manegold
Roy Herbst
More Support for Bevacizumab in Advanced Lung Cancer
CHRISTIAN MANEGOLD, Heidelberg University, Mannheim
COMMENT: ROY HERBST, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
The benefit of adding bevacizumab to chemotherapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer was further underlined by a phase III trial presented at ASCO. A European study tested two doses of the targeted agent with or without cisplatin plus gemcitabine chemotherapy. Derek Thorne heard the results from Christian Manegold of the University of Heidelberg.
David Baker
Reduced Chemotherapy: Same Benefit in Pediatric Intermediate Risk Neuroblastoma
DAVID BAKER, Princess Margaret Hospital, Perth
A phase III study of pediatric patients with neuroblastoma has shown that chemotherapy doses can be reduced whilst maintaining the typical high survival rates of standard dose radiotherapy. Sarah Maxwell talked with investigator David Baker during the ASCO conference.
Robert Mayer
Oral Agent Benefits Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer
ROBERT MAYER, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
The oral pro-drug known as S-1 has been shown in two Japanese studies to bring survival benefit to patients with advanced gastric cancer. During the ASCO meeting Peter Goodwin asked Robert Mayer for the details and for his assessment of the importance of these new data.