A new research method has elucidated cellular processes (involving mutated TP53 oncogene) that can convert a relatively benign myeloproliferative...
The interview was filmed in preparation for an article in Oncology Times @OncologyTimes BOSTON, MA—The risks of death from organ damage caused by...
Audio Journal of Oncology Podcast Ultrahypofractionated Radiation Just As Effective for Prostate Cancer Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute...
PHILADELPHIA, USA—For the first time researchers have succeeded in making small number of patients with AIDS more resistant to HIV by infusing them...
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN—A study in JAMA Anti-coagulation has reported that warfarin could be beneficial for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) even if...
CINCINNATI, USA—A link has been demonstrated for the first time between prostate cancer and exposure to the synthetic compound bisphenol-A (BPA ) —...
COPENHAGEN—A study reported in JAMA found that adhering to recommended vaccination schedules protected children not only against the diseases being...
NANJING and KUNMING, CHINA—The first two vaccines against the C4 strain of human enterovirus 71 appear to protect children against hand, foot and...
TORINO, CANADA—A treatment might be on its way for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who after failing initial chemotherapy also become...
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND—A randomized study has reported in the Lancet that in patients with paracetamol overdose, a shorter (12 hour) course of a...
LOS ANGELES, USA—Taking paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen) while you’re pregnant might increase your baby’s risk of developing...
The main message from Karim Fizazi MD PhD is that you should not let the lack of a threatening Gleason grade at initial diagnosis deter you from...