Audio Medica is a powerful source of medical and health news delivered directly from the mouths of the doctors, medical scientists and health experts making it.
News is delivered in the form of one-to-one interviews with the experts conducted by specialist reporters.
The company serves other doctors, health-care and public health workers, and the inquiring lay public.
News is delivered in the form of concise radio and TV clips, containing the specialist interviews, promptly posted at and through a network of participating services and — where appropriate —made available for mobiles devices using the usual delivery modes, including iTunes and YouTube.
Audio Medica reporters are working medical journalists, so their interviews are conducted in a more informed manner than typical lay interviews with health specialists heard on national radio and TV.
The level of information is satisfying to medical professionals and also to any inquiring member of the public who needs to hear, and see, the experts themselves explaining the new developments they have achieved.
The company has a core staff and freelance correspondents most of whom also work for the BBC, other broadcasters in the UK, the USA and Europe, or are ex-BBC staff.
Editor, Peter Goodwin, is a former staff producer with BBC World Service and Radio Four, and reporter and presenter with BBC World Service, Physicians Radio Network, MD-FM (Paris) and other broadcasting networks in the USA.
His three books: Future World, Nuclear War The Facts, and: Can You Avoid Cancer? won him acclaim as a writer and employment as a consultant for BBC Television (Education) and BBC Television (Science & Features).
Peter’s work with Audio Medica was preceded by ten years as producer of Auditorium, the cassette audio magazine for hospital doctors (UK) during which time he was also European correspondent for the Physicians Radio Network (USA).
He has worked in close contact with leading members of the medical profession for many years.
Audio Medica’s role is to fill the gap in medical news delivery services between the very low level “New Cure For Cancer” stories in the lay press and the exclusive specialist publication of stories in the medical peer-review press and learned journals.
By conducting interviews with the news-making health expert, the listener is assured that the information is directly told by the expert and has not been “filtered” by the interpretation of a journalist.
Audio Medica’s radio and TV news clips cover the important medical stories in each specialist subject area soon after the news has broken to post a one-to-one interview when the story is needed.