The Last Taboo: Opening The Door On The Global Sanitation Crisis

Sandy Cairncross
Sandy Cairncross

In this edition of Audio News, presented by Peter Goodwin,
Sandy Cairncross (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Maggie Black (Earthscan), and Girish Menon (Water Aid) talk about:

The Last Taboo: Opening The Door On The Global Sanitation Crisis
– a book by Maggie Black and Ben Fawcett, published by Earthscan with UNICEF.

Maggie Black
Maggie Black

A massive improvement in health and wealth in developing countries could be achieved by providing systems to dispose of human excreta safely. A new book: “The Last Taboo” was launched at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine by the Professor of Environmental Health, Sandy Cairncross.

Girish Menon
Girish Menon

Further reading