Audio Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine: reporting from American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session March 11-14, 2006, Atlanta – Trans Catheter PFO Closure to Prevent Migraine?

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AudioMedica News
Audio Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine: reporting from American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session March 11-14, 2006, Atlanta - Trans Catheter PFO Closure to Prevent Migraine?
Peter Wilmshurst
Peter Wilmshurst

Peter Wilmshurst, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Late Breaking Study, ACC Annual Sessions with the i2 Summit 2006 Meeting, March, Atlanta
A new study looking at patent foramen ovale, or PFO, closure using a trans-catheter device has raised hopes that migraine attacks could be reduced or avoided by this procedure. Peter Wilmshurst told Audio Medica about findings from the MIST trial reported at the i2 Summit 2006 – part of the ACC Scientific Session in Atlanta.



Further reading