Carlo Di Mario
Eckhart Fleck
CARLO DI MARIO, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
COMMENT: ECKART FLECK, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin
The CARESS study from Milan and London has shown that for younger, high-risk patients experiencing a myocardial infarction there can be a clear benefit from performing angioplasty as soon as it is available after using lytics with anti-platelet therapy in situations where primary angioplasty is not available. This answers a huge un-met need of what is best to do for patients who are admitted initially to a centre where primary percutaneous intervention is not an immediate option. At the cardiology congress in Vienna Carlo Di Mario told Peter Goodwin that patients at lower risk of bleeding who can proceed to angioplasty should do so.
Eckhart Fleck added his comments about following lytic therapy with angioplasty.