Audio Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine: September 3rd 2006

AudioMedica News
AudioMedica News
Audio Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine: September 3rd 2006
Anthony Wierzbicki
Anthony Wierzbicki
Gabriel Steg
Gabriel Steg
David Paquette
David Paquette

Add HDL-Raising Therapy to Maximise Lipid Treatment

REFERENCE: Abstract 53, Page 85
Anthony Wierzbicki, St Thomas’s Hospital, London
The idea of adding nicotinic acid to lipid-lowering therapy for patients at high risk of coronary events – for either secondary or primary prevention – was discussed at the World Congress of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona. At a special session entitled: “Beyond Statin Therapy” Anthony Wierzbicki told delegates about the THRIVE trial adding niacin to statin therapy. Peter Goodwin asked him about this and about the earlier studies: ARBITER and HATS which clearly demonstrated the importance of combining HDL-raising therapy along with LDL reduction.

RIO Study Results: Rimonabant Reduces Body Mass and Cuts Cardiovascular Risks

REFERENCE: Abstract 93
Gabriel Steg, Hôpital Bichat, Paris
Mature findings on the use of the weight-loss drug, rimonabant, were presented to the 2006 meeting of the European Society of Cardiology held in Barcelona. Sarah Maxwell asked Gabriel Steg first about why rimonabant was considered scientifically as a candidate for appetite reduction, and how effective it has proved in the recent RIO series of studies.

Periodontal Inflammation: A Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease?

REFERENCE: Abstract 11
David Paquette, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The idea that inflammation caused by infectious pathogens can cause a significant burden of cardiovascular disease was explored in a symposium at the cardiology congress which looked at periodontal inflammation and its correlation with coronary disease. David Paquette from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill presented provocative evidence of possible cause and effect which he discussed with Sarah Maxwell.


Further reading