Audio Journal of Medicine: Reporting from the 2006 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), September 27 – 30, San Francisco

AudioMedica News
AudioMedica News
Audio Journal of Medicine: Reporting from the 2006 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), September 27 – 30, San Francisco
Bart Rijnders
Bart Rijnders
J. Owen Hendley
J. Owen Hendley
Philippe Colucci
Philippe Colucci

Inhalation Therapy Can Prevent Invasive Aspergillosis

REFERENCE: Abstract M-1308c
Bart Rijnders, University Hospital, Rotterdam
Patients undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia, who are at risk of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, are less likely to become infected if they inhale liposomal amphotericin B. Bart Rijnders of the University Hospital in Rotterdam gave his data to Derek Thorne.

Cold Virus Survives on Surfaces – in a Hotel Room

REFERENCE: Abstract V-1693
J. Owen Hendley, University of Virginia
How long can a rhinovirus survive on a surface? And can it be picked up by someone in the course of their everyday activity? All these questions were addressed in a study presented by J. Owen Hendley of the University of Virginia, in which people with a common cold were asked to stay in hotel rooms. He expained all to Derek Thorne.

Elvucitabine: New Possibility for HIV Therapy?

REFERENCE: Abstract H-1670d
Philippe Colucci, University of Montreal
A new possible drug for HIV therapy has demonstrated some activity in a monotherapy trial presented as a late-breaker at ICAAC. Philippe Colucci, from the University of Montreal, explained the findings to Derek Thorne.


Further reading