Audio Journal of Oncology in Advance – April 1st, 2007 – reporting From: Journal of Clinical Oncology, January 20th, 2007 & December 20, 2006

George Canellos
George Canellos

Robert Motzer
Robert Motzer

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Better Survival With Colorectal Cancer

REFERENCE: J Clin Oncol 24:5680-5686
GEORGE CANELLOS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
Using postmenopausal estrogen replacement before the diagnosis of colorectal cancer was associated with better cancer-specific and overall mortality. This is the finding of a study by Jennifer Chan and colleagues from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Peter Goodwin talked with George Canellos about the finding and its implications for therapy.

High-Dose Chemotherapy With Stem Cell Rescue: No Benefit as First-Line Therapy in Metastatic Germ Cell Tumors

REFERENCE: J Clin Oncol 25: 247-256
GEORGE CANELLOS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
No advantage has emerged from high-dose chemotherapy as first-line therapy in patients with poor- and intermediate-risk metastatic germ cell tumors. A phase III randomized study comparing high-dose with standard-dose chemotherapy has been published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by a group led by Robert Motzer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. George Canellos discusses these findings with Peter Goodwin and puts them into context with other recent related study findings.

To listen this episode please go to ASCO Audio Journal of Oncology in Advance Presentations.

Further reading