Audio Journal of Oncology in Advance – March 1st, 2007

Lorie Hughes
Lorie Hughes
Rachel Ellsworth
Rachel Ellsworth
Rowan Chlebowski
Rowan Chlebowski
Victor Vogel
Victor Vogel

Local Excision Alone for Selected Patients with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ?

REFERENCE: Abstract: 29
LORIE HUGHES, The Hope Center, Cartersville GA
The intergroup study E-5194 has found that local excision without radiation in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ is sufficient therapy for a selected group of patients. But Lorie Hughes told Karen Regester that it is not satisfactory for patients with high-grade malignancies.

Metastatic Cancer Molecules Can Differ from Primary Tumors: Implications for Therapy

REFERENCE: Abstract: Poster 4004
RACHEL ELLSWORTH, Windber Research Institute, Pennsylvania
Inappropriate breast cancer therapy may be given if the pathology of distant disease is not tested, according to the findings of a study announced at the Breast Cancer Symposium. Molecules of lymph node metastases were markedly different from those in primary tumors, so to avoid inappropriate treatment decisions, distant disease pathology should be assessed. Rachel Ellsworth discussed her group’s findings with Peter Goodwin.

A Low-Fat Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk, and Extends Life

REFERENCE: Abstract: 32
Women who ate less fat had fewer recurrences of breast cancer, and lived longer, the San Antonio conference heard. Mature results from the Women’s Intervention Nutrition Study (WINS) were presented by Rowan Chlebowski showing a reduction of recurrences and also longer survival among women on a low-fat diet as compared with women eating their usual diet. He discussed the results with Peter Goodwin.

STAR Trial Latest: Raloxifene and Tamoxifen Not Quite Equal for Breast Cancer Prevention

REFERENCE: Abstract: 33
VICTOR VOGEL, University of Pittsburgh
The selective estrogen receptor modulators tamoxifen and raloxifene are both recommended for preventing breast cancer in women judged to be at high risk. But mature data following unblinding of the NSABP Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR) trial show that although these agents are equal in prophylactic power, they have some differences in terms of their effect on in situ disease. Victor Vogel gave the latest news to Peter Goodwin during the Breast Cancer Symposium.

To listen this episode please go to ASCO Audio Journal of Oncology in Advance Presentations.

Further reading