Big Fall in Malaria in The Gambia: Eradication in Sight? High Birth Weight Increases Breast Cancer Risk; Eat Fruit And Vegetables To Protect Your Vision!

AudioMedica News
AudioMedica News
Big Fall in Malaria in The Gambia: Eradication in Sight? High Birth Weight Increases Breast Cancer Risk; Eat Fruit And Vegetables To Protect Your Vision!
Brian Greenwood
Brian Greenwood

Brian Greenwood and David Conway tell Peter Goodwin how the incidence of malaria has fallen dramatically in The Gambia following the use of simple interventions such as insecticide-treated bed nets, and resistance-free drugs. The question now being asked is: Can malaria be eradicated? Isobel dos Santos Silva explains how birth-weight affects your risk of developing breast cancer later in life; Astrid Fletcher describes the way anti-oxidants from fruit and vegetables in a normal diet (as reported in the EUREYE study conducted in seven centres in Europe from Bergen in Norway to Alicante in Spain) may be protecting our eyes against macular degeneration and possible blindness caused by strong sunlight.

David Conway
David Conway

Isobel dos Santos Silva
Isobel dos Santos Silva

Astrid Fletcher
Astrid Fletcher



Further reading