AUDIO JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY: Safe to Spare Post-Mastectomy Chest Wall Radiotherapy in Most Patients with Intermediate Risk Breast Cancer

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Audio Journal of Oncology Podcast
Audio Journal of Oncology Podcast
AUDIO JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY: Safe to Spare Post-Mastectomy Chest Wall Radiotherapy in Most Patients with Intermediate Risk Breast Cancer

SAN ANTONIO, USA—There was no benefit from chest wall irradiation in patients who had intermediate-risk breast cancer, according to findings reported at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium from the BIG 2-04 MRC SUPREMO international phase three randomized controlled trial.

At the conference Ian Kunkler MA, MB, BChir, Professor at Edinburgh Cancer Centre in the Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, Scotland UK, told the conference that after investigating the impact of adjuvant chest wall irradiation following mastectomy and axillary surgical staging in patients with operable breast cancer at a defined intermediate-risk of loco-regional recurrence the study had found no benefit.

The trial indicated with high precision that chest wall irradiation following mastectomy in patients with one to three positive nodes, or with node-negative breast cancer having other risk factors, had no impact on overall survival, and a clinically insignificant impact on chest wall recurrence.

After the conference, Kunkler discussed the findings with the Audio Journal of Oncology’s correspondent, Peter Goodwin:

PODCAST: Ian Kunkler in conversation with Peter Goodwin

SABCS 2024 Abstract GS2-03:

Kunkler I et al. “Does postmastectomy radiotherapy in ‘intermediate-risk’ breast cancer impact overall survival? 10-year results of the BIG 2-04 MRC SUPREMO randomised trial: on behalf of the SUPREMO trial investigators”


Kunkler I et al. Does postmastectomy radiotherapy in ‘intermediate-risk’ breast cancer impact overall survival? 10 year results of the BIG 2-04 MRC SUPREMO randomised trial: on behalf of the SUPREMO trial investigation. Abstract GS2-03. SABCS, 10-13 December, 2024.


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