Targeted Therapies in Multiple Myeloma Treatment Decisions

AudioMedica News
AudioMedica News
Targeted Therapies in Multiple Myeloma Treatment Decisions
Vincent Rajkumar
Vincent Rajkumar

Vincent Rajkumar, Divison of Hematology, Mayo Clinic
At a section of the hematology meeting talking about newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and the evolving treatments, Vincent Rajkumar discussed new agents such as lenolidamide and thalidomide. Audio Medica asked him how he makes decisions about how to treat multiple myeloma.

Click here for all the interviews from ASH 2005

  • My dad was tentatively diagnosed 3 years ago with maybe multiple mylenoma. After many tests, the doctor said it was arthritis.

    He was recently slated for a bowel resection but due to his low platlet count and low white blood count he now has to have a bone marrow biopsy, which could result in this mylenoma diagnosis again. Is this a hard condition to evaluate?

    He has been in the hospital for 5 weeks on intervenice feeding due to a fistulae from his small bowel to the outside of his right side and last Friday the doctor said his blood was good as far as the nutrients/protiens etc. Would they not have checked the platlets and white blood count that time as well?

    Where can I go to have my questions answered or at least somewhere for a better explanation?

    thank you

  • Buongiorno sono affetto da mieloma multiplo,dal 2001e vorrei sapere dove potrei rivolgermi ,per avere un assistenza e cure adeguate a Milano?

  • Buongiorno sono affetto da mieloma multiplo,dal 2001e vorrei sapere dove potrei rivolgermi ,per avere un assistenza e cure adeguate a Milano?avrei piacere di porre delle domande sulle più’ giuste terapie da fare nel mio caso,senza dover pagare

Further reading