“Total Therapy” Possible Cure For Multiple Myeloma?

AudioMedica News
AudioMedica News
"Total Therapy" Possible Cure For Multiple Myeloma?
Bart Barlogie
Bart Barlogie

Reporting From: 4th European Congress on Hematologic Malignancies, Paris 22-24 February, 2008
BART BARLOGIE, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
A treatment known as “total therapy” could cure many patients with multiple myeloma, conference-goers have just heard. The targeted drugs thalidomide and bortezomib, coupled with tandem autologous transplants, are used by Arkansas-based Bart Barlogie. In Paris he told Peter Goodwin about their success.



1 comment
  • my wife is in early stages of multiple myeloma the bones have no holes and the bone marro is fine she is just not producing red blood cells anyone have a solution to bring her back to normal

Further reading